School classes

Our programmes for students of all ages are not the typical “guided tours”. Instead, they encourage children and young people to actively seek out clues for themselves. We tailor our research formats and methods of discussing findings to suit the age of the students. These discussions often naturally lead to an engagement with relevant contemporary issues and insights for the present.

Duration: 60 min., cost: 4.50 EUR per school-age learner in a class 

For an appointment, email:

Year 3 and older: “A synagogue? What’s that?”
Together we explore when this beautiful building was built, who built it and for whom it was intended. We go on a search for clues and immerse ourselves in the history and life of the Jewish community in St. Pölten.

Year 5 and older: “What’s left, what was lost?”
What makes a synagogue a former synagogue? Our discovery tour takes a look at what was lost, what has been rediscovered and what new research there is to explore. The focus is on both objects and people and their stories.

Year 9 and older: “Traces of a community”
Who occupied this building, who brought it to life? Their influence is felt throughout. Here we explore not only the history of the synagogue and its community, but also individual biographies. The emphasis is on encouraging independent exploration.

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